- How to write in-text APA citations
- How to write APA reference lists
- How to use online resources to organize citations
- While you copy and paste the thesis statement, please show me the annotated article.
- Put your thesis statement in this google doc. I will give you some general feedback.
Transitions Activity
- Let's look at the Transitions Handout
- Now let's do the Transitions Activity
- Share your answers in google doc.
- In groups of 3, look at "A Grade Summary." How does the summary refer to the article?
- What information is at the end of the document?
- Briefly watch this Prezi to get a basic overview of how APA works.
- Note: Business Writing citation style varies. See this handout.
- APA Reference Activity
1. Develop body paragraphs for summary
2. Add transitions and reporting verbs to make your summary more coherent.
3. Add citations in text and on the reference list to avoid plagiarism.
4. Prepare for the Plagiarism Test next Thursday.
5. First draft of summary is due Saturday, October 4th by Midnight. Remember you must turn in your first draft in order to earn a grade on your final draft.
6. Final draft of summary is due Saturday, October 11th by Midnight.
Next Class: Academic Writing Style